It’s easy to over think but actually there are just 3 simple steps utilising cardio, resistance training and nutrition.
I’d like to introduce you to the FITTE principle, which stands for:
Frequency – how much exercise you’re doing per week
Intensity – how hard you’re working
Time – how long is each activity or workout?
Type – what it is you’re doing and most importantly ENJOYMENT!
In short: a good balance of cardio and resistance work will have you toning up in no time but don’t lose sight of that last part of the principle, the most important thing is that you enjoy what it is you’re doing. It shouldn’t be a chore!
Putting FITTE into practice and how you can apply it to your training:
First up, Cardio:
Research conducted by ACSM has concluded that the minimum amount of cardio for significant health improvements should be 150 minutes of moderate intensity (e.g walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (such as running) per week or a combination of the two. Increase this to 300 mins and the gains are even greater!
This can involve all sorts of activity, it doesn’t have to be just set workouts! That bike ride you did at the weekend counts, that walk for some air at lunch counts, even your commute to work where you walk up the escalator counts! In short be as active as you can; small changes make a big difference – take the stairs instead of the lift, walk instead of drive. You get the idea!
To really up your game have a go at HIIT training. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and has become extremely popular in the last few years due to it being so effective but requiring a small amount of time. It’s also much more fun than just running on a treadmill for an hour!
Dedicate 2 days a week to resistance work, ensuring you have at least 2 days between sessions in order to allow your body to recover. It is important to not overlook resistance training as not only will it help create stronger, leaner muscles but it is also key in helping to create strong joints, enabling you to move better.
The way you work your muscles depends on what you want to achieve, however right now we’re going to look at building endurance as it’s a great place to start.
In order to build endurance focus on low intensity lifting with lots of reps (between 12 – 20) and between 2 – 3 sets. Focus on the whole body, working in a circuit. This will have the additional benefit of counting towards your cardio too then!
It’s useful to note that changes don’t happen whilst you’re working out, conversely they actually occur while you rest! Making it just as important, therefore always ensure you schedule in enough rest days and ensure as best you can that you get a good night’s sleep – something that’s easier said than done when you have kids!
Finally, nutrition…
The world is a minefield of fad diets, slimming clubs and temptation! Which option is right for you and how do you avoid falling off the wagon?
When it comes to diets the most straight forward thing is to simply keep it clean. Instead of white pasta opt for brown, instead of your afternoon chocolate hit have a banana instead (great for an afternoon pick me up!) and ensure you have a good balance of macronutrients – these are protein, carbs and fats. The easiest way to reference what the recommended amount is by referring to the NHS’ Eat Well Guide.
If you fall of the wagon for a day, or even a few days, don’t worry just get straight back to it the next day. Careful to not over think, it’s back to the old adage of everything in moderation. Everyone has days where they want to eat a massive burger, pizza or a cake from the café round the corner than just tastes so damn good! The important thing is don’t beat yourself up, just get straight back to your usual healthy routine as soon as you can.
Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be well on the way to a fitter, healthier you and feeling confident in your own skin and remember the very most important thing – ENJOY YOURSELF! :)